Carry Me

Carry Me

“My name is Carson Leslie, and I have been battling brain and spine cancer for the past three years. I love sports, babies and Mexican food. I have written a book to give a voice to the teenagers and children who have battled cancer but are unable to express how such an illness affects their personal, social, physical and emotional life. I want others to understand how to be a better friend to someone he/she knows that has a life threatening disease. Even though every day of my life is a battle, I have learned that God is always there to lift me up, and I live each day as if it were the Day of Judgement.
I believe my story will give readers a new perspective on the importance of how words and/or actions affect those around them. I wish to make a difference, and I know others my age want to do the same. Maybe after they read my book they will discover how to live the struggle…”” – Carson Leslie

Carson Leslie, epilogue by Carson’s mom, Annette

Carson kept a journal from his earliest days in school, so when diagnosed with brain cancer at 14 years old, keeping a journal came naturally. Carry Me is Carson’s memoir of his 3+year valiant battle for life. At second printing, his literary agent requested that his mom write an epilogue. Annette shares a window into life after Carson’s death. Carson’s last whispered wish, was that his brain be studied to help the next kid diagnosed with cancer.


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