Swifty Foundation
The Swifty Foundation was founded to celebrate the life of Michael Gustafson, who died at age 15 from medullablastoma. Michael wanted to be a scientist and donated his tissue to researchers to help find a cure. He called this his Master Plan. Michael’s Master Plan became Swifty’s Master Plan which became Gift from a Child (GFAC), a national post- tissue donation program. GFAC has 6 Centers of Excellence across the country and a portion of all tissue is sent to the Children’s Brain Tumor Network to be shared across the research community.100% of all donations go straight to research, and no expenses are paid with Swifty Foundation funds. Michael’s parents pay all foundation expenses.
Geographical Areas:
USA and Canada
Patti Gustafson and Deb Du vair
Advocacy 10%
Family Support60%
Research Funding0%
OtherOther Programming