All posts tagged: Advocacy

CAC2 Webinar–Pediatric Cancer Advocacy – From Your Own Backyard

Many think of advocacy as traveling to Washington DC and speaking to their Senators and members of Congress, convincing them to pass legislation like the STAR Act. While this is an essential part of advocacy, there are many things that you can do within your state that do not involve travel or engaging politicians. Ann Ramer presented opportunities for connecting with your local Childhood Cancer Community and highlighted the available tools on the CAC2 member page to support your effort. Ann Ramer, MPH Ann is a mother of four children, two of whom developed multiple forms of cancer. She is [...] Read more

CAC2 Member Blog–Celebrating the Introduction of The Comprehensive Cancer Survivorship Act

By CAC2 Member Jess Kean, Children's Cancer Cause. The Comprehensive Cancer Survivorship Act was introduced in Congress on December 14, 2022. As the only childhood cancer organization involved in the drafting of this legislation, CAC2 Member Children's Cancer Cause is pleased to share the details of this bill with other CAC2 members in the hopes that the community will join us as we work toward its passage. The Comprehensive Cancer Survivorship Act addresses care planning, transition, navigation, reimbursement, quality, and so much more. It aims to address gaps in survivorship care and develop desperately needed standards to improve the overall [...] Read more

Save the Date! Action Days 2023 Returns to Washington, D.C.

By Guest Blogger Sarah Milberg, Co-Chair of the Alliance for Childhood Cancer and Director of Government Relations and Advocacy for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation Thanks to advocates like you, we have been able to make great progress on important childhood cancer issues before Congress. The Alliance for Childhood Cancer is excited to announce that Action Days 2023 will return back to Washington, D.C. from April 24-25, 2023. Registration will open in early 2023. Action Days gives you an opportunity to speak with your members of Congress and their staff to advocate for important childhood cancer issues before Congress. Sharing your story next […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Thankful and Fearful

By CAC2 Individual Member Joe Baber Because of my grandson, Conor, a neuroblastoma survivor, I have met so many people in our childhood cancer community who want to improve the outcomes of children fighting cancer. We either have children in treatment for cancer or have children who are survivors or have died because of it.  We’re all thankful when there are lifesaving therapies and at the very same time, we are fearful of relapse, side effects of the drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and even death.  These contrary and parallel emotions seem to be linked in partnership throughout the childhood cancer […]

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Guest Blog–National Cancer Institute Expands Molecular Characterization Initiative for Childhood Cancer Research

The National Cancer Institute’s new Molecular Characterization Initiative (MCI) fosters data sharing in childhood cancer research. The program is expanding comprehensive molecular characterization of tumors to children, adolescents, and young adults (AYAs) with newly diagnosed soft tissue sarcomas receiving care at hospitals affiliated with the Children’s Oncology Group. The DNA and RNA in participants’ tumors are analyzed through this voluntary, free program.  This effort is in addition to the previous cohort that targeted the molecular characterization of newly diagnosed central nervous system tumors in children and AYA patients.   Participants’ tumor and blood samples are analyzed in an accredited lab, with […]

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Community News–Congress Introduces the Childhood Cancer STAR Reauthorization Act

During last week’s Childhood Cancer Action Day, legislation to reauthorize the Childhood Cancer STAR Act was introduced in both chambers of Congress! The original STAR Act was signed into law in 2018 after unprecedented support from our community.  It authorized five years of funding at $30 million annually from 2019-2023.  Also, thanks to the community’s efforts the STAR Act has subsequently received those expected appropriations of $30 million each year.  The STAR Act represents important bipartisan legislation designed to advance pediatric cancer research and child-focused cancer treatments, while also improving childhood cancer surveillance and providing enhanced resources for survivors. On April […]

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Guest Blog–National Cancer Institute Launches Molecular Characterization Initiative for Childhood Cancer Research

The National Cancer Institute’s new Molecular Characterization Initiative (MCI) fosters data sharing in childhood cancer research. The program currently offers comprehensive molecular characterization of tumors to children, adolescents, and young adults (AYAs) with newly diagnosed central nervous system tumors receiving care at hospitals affiliated with the Children’s Oncology Group. The DNA and RNA in participants’ tumors are analyzed through this voluntary, free program.    Participants’ tumor and blood samples are analyzed in an accredited lab, with results shared with families and doctors within 21 days. This detailed information about the cancer can be used to make a more precise diagnosis, […]

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Member Blog–If No One Knows, No One Cares: An Urgent Message for President Biden

By CAC2 Member Janet Demeter, Jack’s Angels “This is the wake up call of #Moonshot4Kids: medical research investment into cures for children is one area where our priorities as Americans are completely upside-down.”–Janet Demeter This is the story of Moonshot4Kids meets the White House Moonshot! I visited the White House on Feb. 2, 2022 to witness President Biden’s announcement to reignite the Cancer Moonshot.  I never expected an invitation to this event.  At the end of last year, I had been involved in a White House OSTP roundtable of stakeholders in the childhood cancer community at the end of last […]

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11th Annual Childhood Cancer Action Days

You’re invited to join the Alliance for Childhood Cancer for the 11th Annual Childhood Cancer Action Days. This virtual event brings our community together to advocate for important childhood cancer issues currently before Congress.

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CAC2 Member Blog–Taking Childhood Cancer Advocacy on the Road: Childhood Cancer License Plates

By CAC2 Member Mary Beth Collins, PREP4Gold For the entire month of September the world hears a great deal from the childhood cancer community, feverishly raising awareness, advocating for programs & funding, and sharing stories about treatment, survivorship, and bereavement. Social media posts are in abundance, medical experts and advocates are interviewed, and researchers publish papers with the latest data. Each day of the month, there is a great deal provided about childhood cancer as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) continues to strengthen in message and resolve. Come October 1st, some wonder what can be done to sustain some of [...] Read more