All posts tagged: Advocacy

CAC2 Webinar–An Ounce of Prevention, A Lifetime of Health: Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative

Dr. Margaret Kripke, Professor of Immunology and Vivian L. Smith Chair Emerita at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Philip Landrigan, Professor of Biology at Boston College and Director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good joined CAC2 Members Jonathan Agin (Max Cure Foundation), Mary Beth Collins, and Anne Robertson to discuss a soon-to-be unveiled childhood cancer prevention initiative. This informative webinar allowed CAC2 members to learn the basics about preventing childhood cancer and the vulnerabilities to environmental toxins and current treatment regimens experienced by children. The panel discussion provided an overview about [...] Read more

Childhood Cancer and Prevention – The Time is Now

Survivorship Matters Blog By CAC2 Member Mary Beth Collins My introduction to the idea of prevention and childhood cancer didn’t come from a yearning for advocacy and systems change. It also didn’t come years after my son was diagnosed, with a desire to help other parents learn how to nurture healthier environments for their children. It was thrust upon me during my son’s neuroblastoma treatment, by prospective buyers of our house. Somehow, they not only found out that my son was in cancer treatment, but they also found out the type of cancer he had. The couple had researched environmental toxins [...] Read more

Community News: Update on Federal Childhood Cancer Appropriations Process

Update from our colleagues at the Alliance for Childhood Cancer (July 13, 2020): The House Appropriations Committee agreed to fully fund the Childhood Cancer STAR Act and the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative again this year. Notably, the Senate has historically championed our cause for STAR funding, so this development in the House shows an even stronger commitment from Congress for our research priorities. This step is important to our requests being included in the final appropriations package when Congress considers the next budget. Here are some key sections related to childhood cancer:   STAR Act – The Committee includes no [...] Read more

AACR Sponsored Listening Session with FDA

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recorded a listening session on May 27, 2020 for patient advocates to learn more about cancer clinical trials during COVID-19.  The session is about 45 minutes, with the pediatric questions at about minute 25.5, minute 37, and minute 41.   FDA Listening Session:  Oncology and Covid-19

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CAC2 Member Blog–#Moonshot4Kids

By CAC2 Member Janet Demeter, Jack's Angels Did you know that brain cancer is the leading cause of death in children with cancer?  It’s also one of the least-funded areas of cancer research.  DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, is perhaps the deadliest of them all.  The experience of DIPG is a terrible wake-up call:   with no viable solutions, the discovery that profits and numbers count more than the value of your child’s life, DIPG exemplifies in a profound way the experience that so many children with cancer and their families endure–to watch their children die in utter helplessness. We would [...] Read more

CAC2 Member Blog–Jointly Sponsored Moonshot4Kids Congressional Briefing

CAC2 Members Jack’s Angels, Dragon Master Foundation, Max Cure Foundation, Children’s Cancer Cause, and National Brain Tumor Society joined together with others in the community through the DIPG Advocacy Group to hold the Moonshot4Kids Congressional Briefing on February 13 to raise awareness of H. Res. 114, which “Expressing support for the designation of the 17th day in May as “DIPG Awareness Day” to raise awareness and encourage research into cures for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) and pediatric cancers in general.” You can read more about the Briefing and H. Res. 114 at CAC2 Blog Post #Moonshot4Kids. According to CAC2 […]

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CAC2 Webinar–Childhood Cancer Advocacy: National and International Voices and Action!

February's All-Member Webinar was presented by Ruth Hoffman, President of Childhood Cancer International and Danielle Leach, Co-Chair of the Alliance for Childhood Cancer. This CAC2 webinar contains details about this year’s celebration of International Childhood Cancer Day happening mid-February and about Childhood Cancer Action Days scheduled this year for March, 26-27 in Washington, DC. For your convenience and so that you can access specific links, the presentation slide decks are posted below. The panelists graciously allowed us to share their slide deck as well. The panelists graciously allowed us to share the ACC Briefing Slidedeck. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–The Role of the IRB in Clinical Trials: What Patients and Families Need to Know — SLIDE DECK

In this month's All-Member webinar, Joanne Salcido of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation introduced and hosted Dr. Marjorie Speers of the WCG Foundation.  The slide deck from the presentation is linked below. Dr. Speers's presentation described the clinical trial process and the role of the IRB in phase 1 – 4 clinical trials. During her webinar, she explained the differences between academic and independent IRBs and the challenges IRBs face when they review multi-site trials. She also described the revised regulations that are likely to go into effect in 2018 and how they should help to reduce the time it takes for an [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–The Canine-Kid Connection

In this All-Member Webinar for November 2016, we provided an overview of the compelling case for studying and treating cancer in canine cancer patients – a model of spontaneously occurring disease - the underlying science, and its potential not only to help us better understand and treat pediatric cancer, but also to accelerate the pediatric cancer drug development process. CAC2 Member Ulrike Szalay of Canines -N-Kids explains:  "As we know too well, cancer is the #1 cause of disease-related death in children in most developed countries. At least 1 in 5 will die from their disease, while the vast majority [...] Read more

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