All posts tagged: Advocacy

CAC2 Member Blog–Reflections on the National Cancer Moonshot Summit

By CAC2 Member David Frazer, National Pediatric Cancer Foundation “The Moonshot Summit was an event that gathered the principals within the oncology industry under the inspirational leadership of Vice President Biden.   In my opinion, all politics aside, Mr. Biden portrayed the type of leadership necessary to conduct systematic change to defeat cancer.  Historically, he has always been a champion for public health.   The summit was based on collaboration and change, and Mr. Biden facilitated an effective initiative to drive those focus topics. On June 29, the Vice President gathered 300 cancer experts and advocates to Howard University. Of the 14 advocates and foundations […]

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STAR Act Co-Sponsor Map

Thanks to the many-faceted efforts in the childhood cancer community, the STAR Act has reached a tipping point (173 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives as of March 3, 2016).  This is an important milestone in moving the bill through the legislative process.  In March the focus is to push for even more co-sponsors, with a strong emphasis on Members who serve on the Energy & Commerce Committee.  We want as many Members as possible supporting the bill, so that we can move the bill to a successful committee hearing.  This map will help you locate your Representative: Hovering over or clicking each marker will […]

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CAC2 Webinar–Advancing the Quality of Life: Strategic Agenda for Childhood Cancer Through Innovation, Ingenuity, and Advocacy

During our February All-Member webinar our guest, Rebecca Kirch, Director of Quality of Life and Survivorship for the American Cancer Society, discussed and answered questions about the quality of life strategic agenda and its specific relevance for childhood cancer, including information about the upcoming Institute of Medicine March workshop on comprehensive childhood cancer care. Research has improved treatments and boosted survival in some types of pediatric cancer, but treatment toxicities still cause a majority of children to experience distressing side effects and late effects — conditions that often cause significant suffering that continues into adulthood and can last a lifetime. [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Dr. Jeffrey Skolnik, Basics of Pediatric Drug Development

On Wednesday, November 12, CAC2 had the privilege of hosting Jeffrey Skolnik, MD, US Medical Affairs Leader, Oncology, GlaxoSmithKline and Attending Physician, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He presented our November All-Member webinar about the industry perspective in pediatric oncology drug development.   The views he expresses are his personal observations and not the official position of GSK or any other pharmaceutical company. Read more

Pediatric Cancer: Major Advances, Major Challenges – Notes from the 5th Annual Childhood Cancer Caucus

The Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus Presents Pediatric Cancer: Major Advances, Major Challenges 5th Annual Childhood Cancer Caucus Friday, September 19, 2014 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Congressional Auditorium, US Capitol Visitors Center Co-Chairs: Congressman Michael T. McCaul (R-TX) Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) Keynote speaker: Dr. Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Speakers: Dr. Ronald DePinho, President, MD Anderson Cancer Center Dr. Amrit Ray, Chief Medical Officer, Johnson & Johnson – Janssen Pharmaceuticals Notes: by CAC2 Member Laurie Orloski Opening remarks Vickie Buenger, President of the Coalition of Childhood Cancer (CAC2) Vickie Buenger kicked off the Caucus by welcoming […]

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CAC2 Webinar–Dr. Peter Adamson and Danielle Leach–NCI Funding and Action Day–SLIDE DECKS

On May 22, we were privileged to host Dr. Peter Adamson speaking on the history and outlook for NCI Funding and Danielle Leach providing an overview for in-person and virtual participation in the Alliance for Childhood Cancer Action Day coming up next month. Thanks to both of these articular guests for their thoughtful and insightful answers to all of our questions. Peter Adamson's Slide Deck Danielle Leach's Slide Deck Read more