CC Community News Digest (June 1-7)

Assorted news from the last week:

Late Effects Surveillance System-Study Scan is an online publication that follows survivorship issues.  Click here for the latest edition, which includes several abstracts from late-effects research studies.

New Research about Ewing Sarcoma:

This issue of Pediatrics from the American Academy of Pediatrics has two articles about pediatric cancer:

*In an assessment of the meaning of the five-year survival rate for children with cancer, the SEER data confirmed that cancer deaths have steadily declined during the five years after diagnosis. But overall, excess deaths among childhood cancer survivors declined only modestly during the 30-year period. Excess deaths among longer-term survivors, those more than five or 10 years from their cancer diagnosis, nearly eliminated the survival gains achieved in the first five years.


Members in the news


Upcoming Webinars and Online Opportunities:

Join us for the 2021 CAC2 Annual Summit, a robust virtual meeting to unite CAC2 members and guests to advance our work for the childhood cancer community:  Thursday, June 24th noon – 5:00 pm ET and Friday, June 25th noon – 4:00 pm EDT.  Register here.  Read more about the Summit here.

ACCELERATE will host the 2nd episode of their webinar series Orphan Drug Regulations on June 29 at 11:00 EDT.  It will include topics such as

  • How does the orphan medicines regulation work in EU, US and Japan?
  • How did it impact the field of rare diseases? What are the issues now in Research & Development?
  • The oncology paradox: Why did the current adult-based approach not work for childhood cancers? How can we improve the situation to better target the ‘young patients’ needs?

Both in-person and virtual CureFest registration is now open!  Make your plans for September 25-26.

CAC2 member Mark Levine hosts a podcast called, “Help and Hope Happen Here” (available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts).  Access recent podcasts with CAC2 Members (and visit Help and Hope Happen Here for interviews with other CAC2 members and thought leaders from around the community):

  • Ann Graham (MIB Agents)

CAC2 member Janet Demeter (Jack’s Angels)  hosts Childhood Cancer Talk Radio.  Follow that link to access past episodes.  CAC2 Board Member Mariah Forster Olson (Neuroblastoma Children’s Cancer Society) is the featured guest last week.