
Sep 18 2022


All Day

Ride for Kids Day

Every day, 13 children and teens are diagnosed with a brain tumor, the deadliest form of childhood cancer. Every day after, they are in a fight for their life. It’s a fight the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation is here to help families win.

The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation’s Ride for Kids program is the longest running, most successful charity motorcycle ride in the nation. Since 1991, Ride for Kids supporters and industry partners have provided a thriving community of support to tens of thousands of kids across the United States and helped the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation fund more than $47 million in research, accelerating the path to a cure, better treatments, and family support.

Our mission is to Care for families along their journey, Cure all childhood brain tumors, and help survivors and families Thrive.


Ride and Raise to help change a child’s life

Everyone who registers with the minimum $40 donation will be eligible to receive a Ride for Kids T-shirt and ride pin. Registrants are given the opportunity to fundraise, are provided an online fundraising page, and to meet other riders and see the difference their fundraising is making in kids’ lives.


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