Meet eight-year old Connor Cruse as he battles childhood cancer. Find out how he and his family found courage, peace, strength and joy along the way. Join Team Connor and learn what you can do to help other kids, like Connor, fight for the cure to childhood cancer. Teamconnor.org
Joy and Tait Cruse are the proud parents of Mackenzie, Carson, Mason, and Connor (who now resides in Heaven) and recently adopted Tyler and Emma. Throughout Connor’s four-year battle with Neuroblastoma, Joy kept a Caring Bridge journal which served as the inspiration for this book. Her corresponding blog, “Joy’s Journal” continues to be followed by thousands of people throughout the world. Joy and Tait are the founders of Team Connor, a 501 c-3 which raises money to support childhood cancer research. To learn more about Connor Cruse, Neuroblastoma, or Team Connor, please visit www.teamconnor.org