All posts by CAC2

CAC2 Webinar–The Blue Ribbon Panel Report and Pediatric Cancer

Earlier this year, as part of Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot initiative, the White House established a Blue Ribbon Panel of experts to report on the current challenges and opportunities facing cancer research. In this CAC2 Research Interest Group webinar for September1 2016, CAC2 welcomed Blue Ribbon Panel members Dr. Peter Adamson (Chair of the Children's Oncology Group) and David Arons (CEO of the National Brain Tumor Society) in a discussion of the panel’s recently issued report and its implications for pediatric cancer. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Basics of a Clinical Trial in Pediatrics: A Sponsor’s Perspective

In this All-Member and all-community webinar for August 2016, CAC2 welcomes Drs. Michael Trigg, Brigid Bradley-Garelik, and Greg Plautz from Bristol-Myers Squib, speaking on the clinical trial process. These three esteemed industry experts provided an overview of the clinical trial process, particularly from an industry-sponsored trial perspective and cover topics such as clinical trial designs, different required FDA phases of drug development, data monitoring committees, general principles of pediatric trials and special considerations of pediatric trials, industry obligations to pediatrics and personalized medicine. This presentation was not recorded. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Cavatica: The Promise of Big Data

In this CAC2 Research Interest Group webinar for July 2016, CAC2 welcomed host Dr. Adam Resnick of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Javad Nazarian of Children's Nationwide Hospital, and CAC2 member Amanda Haddock (Dragon Masters Foundation) discussing the Cavatica platform and how it can bring pediatric cancer research in line with the adult initiatives. Dr. Reznick presented about Cavatica, an exciting new cloud-based environment for securely storing, sharing and analyzing large volumes of pediatric brain tumor genomics data.  Cavatica will, for the first time, allow doctors, researchers and data scientists unparalleled access to pediatric brain tumor genomic data paired with a [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Non-Profit Driven Pediatric Oncology Drug Development

In this All-Member webinar for May 2016, CAC2 welcomed Dr. Cesare Spadoni, Chairman and Co-Founder of Accelerating Paediatric Oncology Drug Development. Parents and non-profit entities can play a strong role in driving drug development and thus accelerate the availability of more innovative drugs for children with cancer. But to do, so they must adopt new operating models and collaborate more effectively with other stakeholders. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Epigenetics, Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics

In this CAC2 Research Interest Group monthly webinar, presented on April 13, 2016, we welcomed Dr. John Maris, Giulio D'Angio Endowed Professor of Pediatric Oncology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Maris shared with us the process of learning causations, mutations, and finding targets in childhood cancer. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Landmark Lightings and Proclamations

In this All-Member webinar for February 2015, CAC2 welcomed presenters Tony Stoddard (Sophia's Fund) and Neal Rourke (International Individual Member). Tony and Neal presented an interactive webinar to encourage dialogue between our members about Landmark Lightings and Proclamations.  They shared their past successes and techniques to help our members reach awareness goals in their communities. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Funding Research: Discussion on Charity Practices

The CAC2 Research Interest Group February meeting was an interactive webinar to encourage dialogue between our members about aspects of charities funding research.  CAC2 Member Jay Scott from Alex's Lemonade Sand Foundation led an open conversation about our experiences, ideas, and practices. Jay and members on the call discussed the elements of funding research and shared experience, ideas, and best practices: setting priorities soliciting proposals selecting scientific review panels orchestrating reviews selection of projects making awards reporting requirements evaluating research funded collaboration among charities Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Scientific Meetings: Tapping the Resource

Attending scientific meetings is a fantastic opportunity for advocates and funders of pediatric cancer research.  CAC2 member Donna Ludwinski (Solving Kids Cancer), presented our January webinar as a primer to help you navigate these types of opportunities: Topics covered included getting the most out of​ scientific meetings list of major meetings of interest planning objectives networking reporting sponsorship Additionally, CAC2 member Phil Renna (Christina Renna Foundation, Inc.) updated everyone on our CAC2 Research Conference planned for this fall. This information will help all of our members get the most out of this fall's research conference and any other research conferences they may have the opportunity to attend. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Psychosocial Standards of Care for Children with Cancer and Their Families

In this All-Member webinar for December 2015, CAC2 welcomed presenters: Dr. Lori Wiener--Co-director of the Behavioral Science Core and Head of the Psychosocial Support and Research Program at the pediatric oncology branch of the National Cancer Institute Dr. Mary Jo Kupst--Pediatric psychologist and Emerita Professor of Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin Dr. Anne E. Kazak--Co-director of the Center for Healthcare Delivery Science at Nemours Children’s Health System, A. I. du Pont Hospital for Children Psychosocial Standards of Care for Children with Cancer and Their Families will be published in December 2015 in a special supplement of Pediatric Blood & Cancer. [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Childhood Cancer Survivorship: The Consequences of Cure

We were pleased to host guest panelist Dr. Greg Armstrong of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital who provided our November All-Member webinar. In just half a century, we have witnessed a remarkable improvement in survival of childhood cancer. In the 1960’s less than 30-40% of children diagnosed with a malignancy would achieve five-year survival. Now, over 80% of children diagnosed with cancer will become five-year survivors of their disease. As a result, 2013 it was estimated that there were over 420,000 survivors of childhood cancer in the United States, and that by the year 2020 we would cross the threshold of [...] Read more

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