All posts by CAC2

CAC2 Webinar–Analyzing the International Cancer Research Portfolio (ICRP)

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015, CAC2 hosted an All-Member webinar featuring guest panelist Lynne Davies discussing, exploring, and explaining: Analyzing the International Cancer Research Portfolio (ICRP). One of our CAC2 projects, grounded in our Research Interest pillar, was to provide a way to keep track of research funded by our members. The result was that we chose to join and participate in the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP). The ICRP portfolio contains over 70,000 historical and current awards from funding organizations in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia. This webinar demonstrates how to analyze and interpret the information in [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Lynne Davies, ICRP Funded Research Data Base Project–SLIDE DECK

The August All-Member call was dedicated to learning more about the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) Database, of which CAC2 will soon be a part.  The ICRP houses over 63,000 research projects that are uniformly coded and have a searchable interface (  Lynne Davies, the Operations Manager at ICRP, joined us from the UK; she started the call by reviewing the goals of the ICRP, membership advantages and details about uploading funded research projects.  Like CAC2, ICRP is a member-centric organization constantly seeking and evaluation the needs of its members, including enhancing the coding system in order for members to [...] Read more

CAC2 Special Community Webinar–G-CSF, Cancer Stem Cells and Relapsed Neuroblastoma: A New Study Opens Up Questions and Opportunities

During our May All-Member and Community webinar,  Scott Kennedy & Donna Ludwinski of Solving Kids' Cancer moderated for our guest presenter, Dr. Jason Shohet addressed the findings of a new study, "G-CSF Promotes Neuroblastoma Tumorigenicity and Metastasis via STAT3-dependent Cancer Stem Cell Activation" published in the journal Cancer Research that identified a potential link between the use of the ​growth factor's effect on cancer stem-like cells and progression and recurrence of neuroblastoma.  As senior author of the study, Dr. Shohet discussed the relevance of these findings within the current context of neuroblastoma patient care as well as the future treatment implications. Topics covered include: What [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Incorporating Genomics into Pediatric Cancer Trials

During our March All-Member and Community webinar, our guests discussed the findings and outcomes of the February NCI scientific workshop dedicated to childhood cancer genomics. On February 4 and 5, the National Cancer Institute hosted a scientific workshop focused on childhood cancer genomics. Scientist and researchers from around the world met to discuss the state of genomics research in pediatric cancer and what opportunities exist for research going forward. The Coalition Against Childhood Cancer and the Alliance for Childhood Cancer co-hosted this debriefing webinar featuring workshop attendees, Dr. Greg Aune (NCI-NCRA, pediatric oncologist-UTSA, and pediatric cancer survivor), Susan Weiner (Children’s Cause for [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Advancing the Quality of Life: Strategic Agenda for Childhood Cancer Through Innovation, Ingenuity, and Advocacy

During our February All-Member webinar our guest, Rebecca Kirch, Director of Quality of Life and Survivorship for the American Cancer Society, discussed and answered questions about the quality of life strategic agenda and its specific relevance for childhood cancer, including information about the upcoming Institute of Medicine March workshop on comprehensive childhood cancer care. Research has improved treatments and boosted survival in some types of pediatric cancer, but treatment toxicities still cause a majority of children to experience distressing side effects and late effects — conditions that often cause significant suffering that continues into adulthood and can last a lifetime. [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–An Introduction to NCI’s Childhood Cancer Genomics Scientific Workshop–SLIDE DECKS

On Thursday, January 29, CAC2 and the Alliance for Childhood Cancer co-hosted CAC2 member Donna Ludwinski of Solving Kids’ Cancer and Amy Bulman and Kelley Landy from the National Cancer Institute to discuss the upcoming NCI scientific workshop dedicated to childhood cancer genomics. The panelists graciously allowed us to share their slide deck. Donna Ludwinski has also made available the following document which is a recently published overview of this topic by Julia Glade Bender, Anupam Verma, and Joshua D. Schiffman: Translating Genomic Discoveries to the Clinic in Pediatric Oncology Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Dr. Jeffrey Skolnik, Basics of Pediatric Drug Development

On Wednesday, November 12, CAC2 had the privilege of hosting Jeffrey Skolnik, MD, US Medical Affairs Leader, Oncology, GlaxoSmithKline and Attending Physician, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He presented our November All-Member webinar about the industry perspective in pediatric oncology drug development.   The views he expresses are his personal observations and not the official position of GSK or any other pharmaceutical company. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Dr. Peter Adamson and Danielle Leach–NCI Funding and Action Day–SLIDE DECKS

On May 22, we were privileged to host Dr. Peter Adamson speaking on the history and outlook for NCI Funding and Danielle Leach providing an overview for in-person and virtual participation in the Alliance for Childhood Cancer Action Day coming up next month. Thanks to both of these articular guests for their thoughtful and insightful answers to all of our questions. Peter Adamson's Slide Deck Danielle Leach's Slide Deck Read more