CAC2 Childhood Cancer Community News Digest (September 30-October 6)
Assorted News from the Last Week:
In a clinical practice guideline issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published online Sept. 30 in Pediatrics, recommendations are presented for opioid prescribing for acute pain management in children and adolescents in outpatient settings.
Fear of cancer recurrence common decades after surviving childhood cancer.
Bereaved parents’ perceptions of their cancer-ill child’s last month with or without palliative care.
Curbing blood cancers by teaching immune cells to kill mutant stem cells.
A study of more than 700 counties across multiple U.S. states found a link between childhood leukemia and levels of decaying radon gas, including those lower than the federal guideline for mitigation.
The FDA launched a reorganization with other modernization efforts impacting many parts of the agency. The Stakeholder Engagement Staff (within the Office of External Affairs) and the Patient Affairs Staff (formerly within the Office of Clinical Policy and Programs) merged into one larger new team – the Public Engagement Staff within the Office of External Affairs.
Genetic mutations in HRAS, KRAS genes linked to childhood cancers.
Upcoming Webinars, Online Opportunities, and Meetings:
The CureSearch annual Pediatric Early Development Symposium (PEDS) brings together key experts and stakeholders to address timely challenges and opportunities in pediatric cancer drug development on October 9 and 10. Click here for more information and to register.
FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) is hosting an in-person and virtual OCE Pediatric Advocacy Forum on October 15. Click here for more information and to register.
The NCI Office of Data Sharing (ODS) is excited to be hosting the second Annual Data Sharing Symposium Driving Cancer Advances through Impactful Research, a free hybrid event open to all on October 15th and 16th on NIH’s Bethesda campus or online! Register here.
56th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP 2024), which will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | October 17-20, 2024. Registration is open and anyone who registers before July 17, 2024 can take advantage of the discounted rates.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will hold a virtual Patient Engagement Advisory Committee (the Committee) meeting on Patient-Centered Informed Consent in Clinical Study on October 30 from 10:00-5:00 ET. Click here for more information and to register .
Past Recordings:
CAC2 member Mark Levine hosts a podcast called, “Help and Hope Happen Here” (available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts). Access recent podcasts with CAC2 Members (and visit Help and Hope Happen Here for interviews with other CAC2 members and thought leaders from around the community):
- Megan Nelson (CAC2 Member NANT-PAC)
- Maggie Spada (CAC2 Member Little Warrior Foundation)
CAC2 Member Sandy Barker (Gold Rush Cure) interviewed CAC2 President Emeritus Vickie Buenger in Season 2, Episode 4 of RUSH Podcast. The conversation focuses on the intersection of policy-making and advocacy in the fight against cancers in children.
Take Action:
Visit the recently launched Childhood Cancer Hub, a comprehensive directory of resources for childhood cancer patients and their families. Please share with your network to help our families in need at every phase of their journey.
NIH recently announced a Request for Information to gather community input on additional proposed actions to accelerate the career transition of postdoc scholars into thriving biomedical research careers. Please note that feedback will be accepted electronically until October 23, 2024. See the Open Mike Blog for additional information.
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