CAC2 Collaborative Achievement: Pilot Program to Provide Academic Support Children and Teens Affected by Cancer

CAC2 Member Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation and Supporting Member The Brain Bodega are launching a pilot program that offers personalized academic support for childhood/teen cancer fighters, survivors, and siblings.

This pilot program addresses the unique challenges faced during and after cancer treatment. This partnership is unique because The Brain Bodega was founded by a childhood/teen cancer survivor who understands the firsthand struggle. This is more than just tutoring – it’s comprehensive academic mentoring tailored to each student’s needs by mentors who get it.

Key features:

  • One-hour weekly sessions from March 15 to June 15
  • Open to 20 students
  • Tailored mentoring by experienced academic mentors
  • Founded by a childhood/teen cancer survivor

TAKE ACTION: To secure a spot, email . This partnership marks a significant step in supporting the pediatric cancer community’s academic and mental wellness needs.

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