By CAC2 Member Angie Giallourakis, Steve G. Cancer Research Fund TRIAGE CANCER: verb. \trē-ˈäzh,ˈkansər\ the assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where time, funds, and other resources can be best used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve success in navigating cancer survivorship issues. I was first introduced to Triage Cancer a few years ago at a Critical Mass: YA (young adult) Cancer Alliance conference where a speaker addressed attendees about Obamacare. It didn’t surprise me that shortly after the conference I began receiving some of the most noteworthy information about programs on cancer survivorship. […]
Read moreBy CAC2 Member Kayla Funk, Open Hands, Overflowing Hearts The world stopped spinning for a moment. Time beyond the oncology clinic stood still. Though I knew he was right, I refused to believe my doctor and the words coming out of his mouth. “When neuroblastoma progresses through therapy, we are unable to cure it.” I listened, but I ignored him. I was 19 years old and had spent the last 15 months of my life going through gruesome treatments. The cancer should not have grown. “We will try to suppress your disease for as long as possible, but I don’t […]
Read moreBy CAC2 Member David Frazer, National Pediatric Cancer Foundation “The Moonshot Summit was an event that gathered the principals within the oncology industry under the inspirational leadership of Vice President Biden. In my opinion, all politics aside, Mr. Biden portrayed the type of leadership necessary to conduct systematic change to defeat cancer. Historically, he has always been a champion for public health. The summit was based on collaboration and change, and Mr. Biden facilitated an effective initiative to drive those focus topics. On June 29, the Vice President gathered 300 cancer experts and advocates to Howard University. Of the 14 advocates and foundations […]
Read moreWith thanks to CAC2 member Laurie Orloski for taking notes for us during this year’s Childhood Cancer Congressional Caucus Summit: The Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus_2015_notes FINAL
Read moreBy CAC2 Members Dena Sherwood, Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation and Mike Gilette, The Truth 365 Tonight, 1/21, at 8 pm ET: Join forces with over 700 organizations and groups by helping launch the powerful short film, “Be a Voice for the Children.” Produced by the Emmy® Award-Winning team at The Truth 365, this 8-minute video features interviews with 15 young cancer fighters who share their fears, frustrations, dreams and goals. They also tell viewers exactly what they can do to help make childhood cancer research a national priority. This grassroots effort is for the entire childhood cancer community and designed […]
Read moreBy CAC2 Member Tony Stoddard, Sophia’s Fund There are four boxes in this picture; each box contains colors, a pink box, a green box, a rainbow colored box, and a gold box. When I asked people what the pink box meant to them most answered, “breast cancer” When I asked about the green box a great deal of people said, “The environment or recycling” When I asked about the rainbow colored box a lot of people replied, “gay rights” When I asked what the gold box meant to them I received answers such as, “I don’t know, or it means […]
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