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Community News–Health Subcommittee Markup in the House Energy & Commerce Committee Advances Legislation for Children with Cancer

The Energy and Commerce Committee advanced proposals earlier this month that will extend Americans’ access to telehealth services, strengthen and preserve Medicaid, and encourage innovation to help children with rare diseases. In a Subcommittee markup, the Health Subcommittee forwarded 21 pieces of legislation to the Full Committee for consideration.  Several of them are important to the childhood cancer community: Creating Hope Reauthorization Act (HR 7384). Pharmaceutical companies developing treatments for rare diseases that mainly affect children are eligible for rare pediatric disease priority review vouchers supporting their work. Children represent about half of all people living with a rare condition. […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Embracing Resilience: Navigating Childhood Cancer Advocacy in Nigeria

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale As I reflect on my journey as a childhood cancer advocate here in Nigeria, I’m continually reminded of the profound resilience ingrained within the fabric of our communities. It’s a resilience born not just of strength, but of necessity, as we confront the daunting challenges that childhood cancer presents. In the heart of Nigeria, where resources are often scarce and access to healthcare is a privilege rather than a right, our advocacy takes on a deeper significance. It becomes a lifeline for families grappling with the emotional and financial burdens of a cancer diagnosis, […]

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Celebrating Pediatric Cancer Social Workers on World Social Work Day: Embracing ‘Buen Vivir’ for Transformative Change

Author: Bethany Lieberman: March 19, 2024, marks World Social Work Day. Today, we sincerely thank all social workers, especially pediatric cancer social workers, who profoundly impact cancer care by assessing young patient’s needs, advocating for resources, and responding to crises promptly. This year’s theme, ‘Buen Vivir: Shared Future for Transformative Change,’ beautifully encapsulates the essence of these professionals’ daily work. We celebrate their commitment, innovative approaches, and holistic perspective, which transform the landscape of pediatric cancer care. Commitment to a Shared Future: Pediatric cancer social workers are the linchpin in creating a shared future for transformative change. Their commitment resonates […]

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Remembering Alea Christine Ramsey – a young woman who touched many hearts.

With a mixture of sorrow and admiration, we announce the passing of CAC2 member Alea Christine Ramsey on January 28, 2024, at age 18. Alea’s life was a tapestry of curiosity, adventure, and an infectious smile that could light up the darkest room. With ocean-blue eyes and an indomitable spirit that embraced every opportunity, she grew into a fearless and sassy young woman. Alea’s interests ranged from building robots and tinkering with power tools to ballet dancing, playing the flute, and singing in the choir to snowboarding, kayaking, and playing softball, lacrosse, and volleyball, and her love of family and […]

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Community News–Childhood Cancer Advocates Support Successful 2024 Action Day!

The Alliance for Childhood Cancer sends its thanks for a fantastic Action Day on February 14.  More than 225 advocates from 32 states participated and shared their stories, asking for congressional support for important legislation and funding for childhood cancer.  CAC2 members, Alliance members, and many others across the country had their voices heard. This year’s asks: Federal Funding for Childhood Cancer Programs We request $30 million to fully fund the Childhood Cancer STAR Reauthorization Act for a 7th year and $50 million to fully fund the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) for a 6th year. Additionally, we urge Congress […]

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A Tribute to Pediatric Cancer Caregivers: Honoring Heroes

At the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer (CAC2), we extend our deepest gratitude to our community’s current and former caregivers. They embody compassion, resilience, and unwavering support for children, adolescents, young adults, and their families confronting a cancer diagnosis or the many complications that arise in survivorship. Caring for a child with cancer is a profound journey marked by a mix of emotions, challenges, and unyielding love. In the shadows of this harrowing ordeal stand the caregivers, often unsung heroes, beside young patients. On this National Caregivers Day, we acknowledge their pivotal roles and the extraordinary commitment they bring to the […]

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Empowering Lives After Cancer: Introducing the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer’s CAC2 Survivorship Toolkit

In the continually evolving landscape of cancer care, the survivorship phase stands as a pivotal and unique challenge. Recognizing the significance of this critical juncture, the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer (CAC2) takes great pride in introducing its groundbreaking CAC2 Survivorship Toolkit. This meticulously curated online resource, boasting over 500 resources and publications, is designed to meet the diverse needs of childhood, adolescent, and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors and their families throughout the lifespan. Let’s delve into the distinguishing features that set the CAC2 Survivorship Toolkit apart as a vital support resource for individuals navigating the intricate journey of life […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Joseph’s Legacy: A Personal Odyssey in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale   In the hushed corridors of my memories, Joseph's laughter remains a poignant melody, forever intertwined with the tale of his unwavering courage in the face of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. A journey that began with a misdiagnosis, the local hospital here initially labeled his symptoms as malaria, an oversight that cast a shadow over the critical early stages of his battle. It wasn't until we sought refuge in the halls of a larger hospital in another city that the cruel reality unveiled itself – Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a formidable adversary masked in the guise of a [...] Read more

CAC2 Member Blog–Grief and the Holidays

By CAC2 Organizational Member Katie Holcomb (Ryan’s Case for Smiles) When you’re grieving the loss of your child, holidays are tough. Instead of bringing joy and good tidings, the holiday season can increase feelings of sadness and loss. Even if you don’t celebrate a winter holiday, watching others come together can make you miss your child and old life, even more. While this is expected, it does not mean it isn’t hard. Below are a few ideas to help you manage grief this holiday and future ones to come.     Am I Grieving? As the holidays draw near, you […]

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Compassionate Counseling Services are Available for Families Dealing with Pediatric Cancer

A pediatric cancer diagnosis can shatter the world of any family, plunging them into a challenging and emotionally tumultuous journey. Amidst the physical and medical aspects of treatment for the diagnosed child, the psychological toll on the families should not be underestimated. Recognizing the importance of mental health support becomes paramount to helping families cope, heal, and find hope in the face of childhood cancer. The Emotional Impact: Pediatric cancer not only affects the child diagnosed, it reverberates throughout the entire family and primary caregivers. Parents and grandparents often grapple with a rollercoaster of emotions—fear, anxiety, guilt, and helplessness. Siblings […]

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