Currently browsing: Webinars

CAC2 Webinar–Pediatric Cancer Data Commons: A Story of Impact and Promise

Have you heard of the ways in which data science is advancing pediatric cancer research?  You may be interested in watching our October All-Member Webinar. CAC2 Member Mariah Forster Olson (Neuroblastoma Cancer research Foundation) introduced Dr. Sam Volchenboum, who spoke about his work leading the Pediatric Cancer Data Commons at the University of Chicago Medicine.  During the presentation Volchenboum highlighted the ways in which data science is advancing pediatric cancer research and discussed how this work can be influential for cancer survivors.  He was gracious enough to answer the many questions posed by our members. Dr. Volchenboum graciously allowed us [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–An Ounce of Prevention, A Lifetime of Health: Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative

Dr. Margaret Kripke, Professor of Immunology and Vivian L. Smith Chair Emerita at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Philip Landrigan, Professor of Biology at Boston College and Director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good joined CAC2 Members Jonathan Agin (Max Cure Foundation), Mary Beth Collins, and Anne Robertson to discuss a soon-to-be unveiled childhood cancer prevention initiative. This informative webinar allowed CAC2 members to learn the basics about preventing childhood cancer and the vulnerabilities to environmental toxins and current treatment regimens experienced by children. The panel discussion provided an overview about [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–The Art and Science of Navigating the Clinical Trials Landscape for Childhood Cancer

Our June CAC2 All-Member webinar explored the world of clinical trials and helped us understand the important role of clinical trial navigation, a topic that is growing in importance as the number and variety of options for pediatric and adolescent oncology patients has begun to grow. Brenna Carswell, Clinical Trials Navigator at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, and Michael Wenger, Vice President of Patient Engagement at Trialscope, covered the basic trends in trial enrollment and the challenges and solutions to improving access to clinical trials for children and teens with cancer.  Both Brenna and Michael are cancer survivors! Read more

CAC2 Webinar–What is a Pediatric Study Plan?

Our May CAC2 All-Member webinar focused on how pediatric cancer study plans are developed.  CAC2 Member Kelli Wright (CureSearch) introduced Dr. Brenda Weigel from University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center and Dr. Samuel Blackman of Day One Biopharmaceuticals as they addressed: What is a Pediatric Study Plan (PSP)? How is it created and by who? How does FDARA/RACE for Children impact PSP development? Where in the process are the opportunities to create better PSPs? Currently, regulatory agencies require that a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company submit a Pediatric Study Plan (PSP) to confirm the suitability of drug usage in the pediatric [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Cancer in Children with Birth Defects: What Can We Learn from Population-Based Studies 

Our April CAC2 All-Member webinar hosted by Donna Ludwinski (Solving Kids Cancer) introduced Drs. Jeremy Schraw and Philip Lupo of Baylor College of Medicine who spoke about their research on nonchromosomal cancer predisposition. Studies show that birth defects are one of the strongest risk factors for cancer in children, but who is at risk and why? To address these questions, the presenters performed the largest investigation of cancer risk in children with birth defects to date. They discussed how a child’s risk of cancer relates to the type and number of birth defects they are diagnosed with, evidence for possible genetic and [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Tissue Donation: The Critical but often Overlooked Piece of the Research Puzzle

Our February CAC2 All-Member webinar focused on the role that tumor tissue can play in childhood cancer research efforts.  Katie Gnatt from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and Ginny McLean from Swifty Foundation welcomed Dr. Patrick Reynolds, Director of The Childhood Cancer Repository, and Dr. Angela Waanders, Director of Precision Medicine Oncology and Executive Board Chair of the Children's Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium to present the webinar. Dr. Reynolds spoke about tissue donation/collection during treatment and Dr. Waanders spoke on post mortem tissue collection.  As we move towards a world with less toxic, more personalized forms of treatment, the availability of different types [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Accelerating Drug Development for Children and Adolescents with Cancer

We were pleased to invite CAC2 members, associate members, student members, supporting organizations to our December CAC2 All-member webinar where Susan Weiner (Children's Cancer Cause) hosted Dr. Gilles Vassal, chair of ACCELERATE, an international nonprofit. Dr. Vassal discussed ACCELERATE and its fresh approach to addressing the complex challenges of developing innovative pediatric cancer therapies in the new regulatory environment. View the webinar below. Read more

CAC2 Special Community Webinar–Vincristine Drug Shortage Update

Dr. Peter Adamson, Chair of the Children's Oncology Group (COG), shared information that COG has received along with a perspective on childhood cancer drug shortages, including the current situation with vincristine.  We were pleased to join with the Alliance for Childhood Cancer to invite members of the two coalitions and the wider community this Community webinar.  We offered this webinar so that the community could have a better understanding of the shortage, how to work with care providers, how to contact the FDA when problems arise from the shortage, and advocacy steps being taken. PUT_CHARACTERS_HERE Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Collaboration and Progress: How Target Pediatric AML Facilitated LLS PedAL, a Global Master Trial in Acute Leukemia

In our October All-Member Webinar, TpAML co-founder/advocate Julie Guillot and Dr. Gwen Nichols, Chief Medical Officer, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, highlighted the energy and work behind putting -- and keeping -- the patient at the center of drug development. Participants had the opportunity to learn valuable insights on the makings of Target Pediatric AML (that a number of CAC2 members worked together on) and how research findings have spurred the launch of a groundbreaking global master clinical trial initiative in high-risk childhood leukemia, LLS PedAL. Read more