
Oct 15 2024

TimeEastern Time Zone

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

FDA Oncology Center of Excellence – Pediatric Advocacy Forum

FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) is hosting an in-person and virtual OCE Pediatric Advocacy Forum on October 15. The event will bring together pediatric cancer advocacy groups from around the world to discuss a range of important topics with pediatric-oncologists and other scientists with expertise in pediatric cancer drug development from across the OCE. The specific forum content will be guided by input on topics considered most significant to the pediatric cancer advocacy community based on responses entered during forum registration. The forum will also include a listening session that will provide an opportunity to discuss your perspectives. The final agenda will be posted to the event webpage closer to the event date.

Visit the event webpage for more information: HERE.

Direct links for event registration:


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