From the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus–Concerns about Daunorubicin Shortage

Link to Original on the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus website Nov 12, 2013 Caucus Asks Questions about the Ongoing Shortage of Daunorubicin WASHINGTON, D.C. – Out of concern over the ongoing shortage of daunorubicin, an essential therapy in the treatment of leukemia in children, Representatives McCaul and Van Hollen, the co-chairs of the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus, sent letters to the Food and Drug Administration  (FDA) and Teva Pharmaceuticals, the sole remaining supplier of the drug. As of this summer, Teva Pharmaceuticals was the sole remaining supplier of the drug. Teva recently informed the FDA that the drug was in limited supply and that […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–The Power of Color

By CAC2 Member Tony Stoddard, Sophia’s Fund There are four boxes in this picture; each box contains colors, a pink box, a green box, a rainbow colored box, and a gold box. When I asked people what the pink box meant to them most answered, “breast cancer” When I asked about the green box a great deal of people said, “The environment or recycling” When I asked about the rainbow colored box a lot of people replied, “gay rights” When I asked what the gold box meant to them I received answers such as, “I don’t know, or it means […]

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Complete Remission Induced By Dendritic Cell Vaccine For Relapsed Neuroblastoma Patient

This collaborative research effort was due to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. One year after his last treatment, a six-year-old boy with recurrent neuroblastoma is in complete remission for his high-risk metastatic cancer. Doctors reported this case study in the January 2013 issue of Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which was funded in part by a joint grant from the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, Pierce Phillips Charity and Solving Kids' Cancer. Current treatments for high-risk neuroblastoma patients include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, stem cell transplant, and immunotherapy. Less than half of the [...] Read more

This Week in Pediatric Oncology Podcast

TWIPO host Dr. Tim Cripe (Nationwide Children’s) and co-hosts spoke with Dr. Vickie Buenger from Texas A&M University about her role as a childhood cancer advocate. A founding member of the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer, Buenger discusses the organization’s principles and future projects to bring the childhood cancer community together. Listen here:

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CAC2 Member Blog–NCI Funding: more lies, damn lies and statistics…

  By CAC2 Member Bob Piniewski, People Against Childhood Cancer The recent post on the National Cancer Institute’s Pediatric Cancer Research and Pediatric Cancer-Related Activities Report discussed NCI’s response to a direct statement from Congress saying “intensify pediatric cancer research” and a direct question from Congress asking for a report “on the actions it has taken to implement the research-specific portions of the Caroline Pryce Walker Conquer Childhood Cancer Act“.  NCI essentially replied…”we’ve got it covered” and was commended by Congress. I respectfully disagree. Until no child dies from cancer and the cure does not cause significant long-term health effects […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Childhood Cancer Advocacy and Direction: The Tail Wagging the Dog

  By CAC2 Individual Member Jonathan Agin Lately, I have wondered whether or not the childhood cancer community is on the right track overall. By this, I mean, is the direction of the community in terms of raising money, awareness and the manner of funding research the best approach as a whole? I honestly do not know. I raise the question to suggest simply that it may not be and thus, a hard conversation and internal focus might be necessary. Despite the false and misleading suggestion that is presented by the message that 80 to 85 percent of all children diagnosed […]

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