All posts tagged: Best Practices

CAC2 Webinar–Scientific Meetings: Tapping the Resource

Attending scientific meetings is a fantastic opportunity for advocates and funders of pediatric cancer research.  CAC2 member Donna Ludwinski (Solving Kids Cancer), presented our January webinar as a primer to help you navigate these types of opportunities: Topics covered included getting the most out of​ scientific meetings list of major meetings of interest planning objectives networking reporting sponsorship Additionally, CAC2 member Phil Renna (Christina Renna Foundation, Inc.) updated everyone on our CAC2 Research Conference planned for this fall. This information will help all of our members get the most out of this fall's research conference and any other research conferences they may have the opportunity to attend. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Analyzing the International Cancer Research Portfolio (ICRP)

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015, CAC2 hosted an All-Member webinar featuring guest panelist Lynne Davies discussing, exploring, and explaining: Analyzing the International Cancer Research Portfolio (ICRP). One of our CAC2 projects, grounded in our Research Interest pillar, was to provide a way to keep track of research funded by our members. The result was that we chose to join and participate in the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP). The ICRP portfolio contains over 70,000 historical and current awards from funding organizations in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia. This webinar demonstrates how to analyze and interpret the information in [...] Read more

Successful Collaboration: Leveraging an Established Grant Review Process

This collaborative research effort was due to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. When the founders of Florida-based I Care I Cure Childhood Cancer Foundation approached Jay and Liz Scott of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation at one of the early C3U (now CAC2) meetings, it was the beginning of a productive and fruitful collaboration that has increased the reach of both organizations’ grantmaking. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) has a successful track record of funding cutting-edge medical research – more than 350 projects since 2006. To identify and select the best projects, ALSF has assembled a Scientific [...] Read more

Complete Remission Induced By Dendritic Cell Vaccine For Relapsed Neuroblastoma Patient

This collaborative research effort was due to childhood cancer groups coming together as part of CAC2. One year after his last treatment, a six-year-old boy with recurrent neuroblastoma is in complete remission for his high-risk metastatic cancer. Doctors reported this case study in the January 2013 issue of Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which was funded in part by a joint grant from the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, Pierce Phillips Charity and Solving Kids' Cancer. Current treatments for high-risk neuroblastoma patients include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, stem cell transplant, and immunotherapy. Less than half of the [...] Read more

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