All posts tagged: Collaboration

CAC2 Webinar–Landmark Lightings and Proclamations

In this All-Member webinar for February 2015, CAC2 welcomed presenters Tony Stoddard (Sophia's Fund) and Neal Rourke (International Individual Member). Tony and Neal presented an interactive webinar to encourage dialogue between our members about Landmark Lightings and Proclamations.  They shared their past successes and techniques to help our members reach awareness goals in their communities. Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Funding Research: Discussion on Charity Practices

The CAC2 Research Interest Group February meeting was an interactive webinar to encourage dialogue between our members about aspects of charities funding research.  CAC2 Member Jay Scott from Alex's Lemonade Sand Foundation led an open conversation about our experiences, ideas, and practices. Jay and members on the call discussed the elements of funding research and shared experience, ideas, and best practices: setting priorities soliciting proposals selecting scientific review panels orchestrating reviews selection of projects making awards reporting requirements evaluating research funded collaboration among charities Read more

CAC2 Webinar–Lynne Davies, ICRP Funded Research Data Base Project–SLIDE DECK

The August All-Member call was dedicated to learning more about the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) Database, of which CAC2 will soon be a part.  The ICRP houses over 63,000 research projects that are uniformly coded and have a searchable interface (  Lynne Davies, the Operations Manager at ICRP, joined us from the UK; she started the call by reviewing the goals of the ICRP, membership advantages and details about uploading funded research projects.  Like CAC2, ICRP is a member-centric organization constantly seeking and evaluation the needs of its members, including enhancing the coding system in order for members to [...] Read more

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