All posts tagged: FDA

Guest Blog–Conversations on Cancer – Pediatric Cancers: Navigating the Challenges Together

In conjunction with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) held a one-hour Conversations on Cancer public panel discussion on November 19, 2024, to examine an array of challenging decisions faced by members of the pediatric oncology community. The panel discussion featured current CAC2 Board Member Nicole Scobie (Zoe4Life) and past CAC2 Board Member Donna Ludwinski (Solving Kids' Cancer). Because of the rarity of cancers arising in childhood and adolescence and high unmet medical need, pediatric oncology drug development is inherently complex. As a result, pediatric oncology clinician investigators are faced with challenges related to [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–What is a Pediatric Study Plan?

Our May CAC2 All-Member webinar focused on how pediatric cancer study plans are developed.  CAC2 Member Kelli Wright (CureSearch) introduced Dr. Brenda Weigel from University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center and Dr. Samuel Blackman of Day One Biopharmaceuticals as they addressed: What is a Pediatric Study Plan (PSP)? How is it created and by who? How does FDARA/RACE for Children impact PSP development? Where in the process are the opportunities to create better PSPs? Currently, regulatory agencies require that a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company submit a Pediatric Study Plan (PSP) to confirm the suitability of drug usage in the pediatric [...] Read more

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