
Jun 22 - 24 2023


All Day

MIB Agents Osteosarcoma Alliance FACTOR 2023 Conference

FACTOR brings together the leading osteosarcoma researchers and clinicians, along with patient families and OsteoWarriors (survivors, patients and siblings of OsteoWarriors and OsteoAngels) to Make It Better for those battling this disease. This work belongs to all of us.

Collaboration with all interested parties on advancing treatments and improving outcomes for patients with osteosarcoma. Specifically:

• Significantly improve osteosarcoma awareness and patient outcomes through collaborative disease management approach, clinical trials and dedicated osteosarcoma research.

• Brainstorm on challenges and come up with collaborative solutions to fast track improvements for osteosarcoma.

• Create a symbiotic bridge between the osteosarcoma medical and patient community to overcome challenges and create solutions.

• Evaluate funding needs for research and provide awareness for worthy initiatives and funding solutions.

• A dedicated forum to review progress on an annual basis on various osteosarcoma disease management initiatives.


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