All posts tagged: Awareness

CAC2 Member Blog–Empowering Communities: Driving Childhood Cancer Awareness from the Grassroots

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale In the heart of advocacy, the rhythm of change reverberates most profoundly at the grassroots level. For me, this journey isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about igniting hope, one person and one community at a time. As a passionate advocate for childhood cancer awareness, my path has been shaped by stories I have heard that reflect resilience, bonds of  solidarity, and a relentless pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. In this deeply personal reflection, I invite you to  explore the transformative power of community-driven initiatives in the fight against childhood cancer with me. Grassroots […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–I Am Not A Miracle

By CAC2 Member Steven Giallourakis (The Steven G. Cancer Foundation) When someone has succeeded in life, we tend to think of them as successful. That they have earned the life they have. This might be partially true, hard work does pay off. Yet when we look at someone’s success we tend to gloss over all the luck. If we are talking about business success and the accumulation of wealth, being born in the United States of America is the best roll of the dice you can have. Being born to parents who love you, who support you and can help […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Embracing Resilience: Navigating Childhood Cancer Advocacy in Nigeria

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale As I reflect on my journey as a childhood cancer advocate here in Nigeria, I’m continually reminded of the profound resilience ingrained within the fabric of our communities. It’s a resilience born not just of strength, but of necessity, as we confront the daunting challenges that childhood cancer presents. In the heart of Nigeria, where resources are often scarce and access to healthcare is a privilege rather than a right, our advocacy takes on a deeper significance. It becomes a lifeline for families grappling with the emotional and financial burdens of a cancer diagnosis, […]

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Global Call to Action: International Childhood Cancer Day Follow Up

From our Friends at Childhood Cancer International: Every February 15th since 1993 people around the world have celebrated International Childhood Cancer Day, created and organized by Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and supported by SIOP. Every  three years there is a new campaign theme, and the theme for 2024 to 2026 focuses on the challenges and inequalities faced by children and adolescents with cancer, as well as their families.  The theme also seeks to highlight solutions. Our friends at CCI encourage everyone to participate in this important campaign! Why? The more voices that gather, the stronger the call and the greater […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Joseph’s Legacy: A Personal Odyssey in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

By CAC2 Student Member Joshua Omale   In the hushed corridors of my memories, Joseph's laughter remains a poignant melody, forever intertwined with the tale of his unwavering courage in the face of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. A journey that began with a misdiagnosis, the local hospital here initially labeled his symptoms as malaria, an oversight that cast a shadow over the critical early stages of his battle. It wasn't until we sought refuge in the halls of a larger hospital in another city that the cruel reality unveiled itself – Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a formidable adversary masked in the guise of a [...] Read more

Compassionate Counseling Services are Available for Families Dealing with Pediatric Cancer

A pediatric cancer diagnosis can shatter the world of any family, plunging them into a challenging and emotionally tumultuous journey. Amidst the physical and medical aspects of treatment for the diagnosed child, the psychological toll on the families should not be underestimated. Recognizing the importance of mental health support becomes paramount to helping families cope, heal, and find hope in the face of childhood cancer. The Emotional Impact: Pediatric cancer not only affects the child diagnosed, it reverberates throughout the entire family and primary caregivers. Parents and grandparents often grapple with a rollercoaster of emotions—fear, anxiety, guilt, and helplessness. Siblings […]

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Survivorship Matters Blog: Pedmark – Improving Quality of Life for Childhood Cancer Survivors Preventing Chemo-Induced Hearing Loss

Survivorship Matters Blog By CAC2 Individual Member Mary Beth Collins “Your child has to be alive to experience side effects” It is heard by every parent of a child with a high-risk pediatric cancer when reviewing treatment protocol: your child must endure and survive all of the therapies first, before a parent can afford to be concerned about side effects.  It’s a pragmatic priority; the focus is on keeping your child alive and achieving No Evidence of Disease, or ”NED” as commonly referenced.  With the most challenging cancers, it is spoken with earnest and delicate honesty. Today, according to the […]

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Survivorship Matters Blog: Recapturing the Dream

Survivorship Matters Blog By CAC2 Member Mary Beth Collins, PREP4Gold During his teens, my neuroblastoma survivor Joshua was struggling in every way a person could struggle. Puberty had brought on new long term side effects, and reinvigorated old ones that we thought were behind us. His chemo-induced hearing loss progressed from moderate-to-severe to profound, and his hearing aides became a trigger for his migraines. The combinations of cognitive impact, cluster migraines, and chemo-induced ADHD made education almost impossible. He was doing the best he could on home/hospital care with a teacher who visited the house a few times a week. […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Taking Childhood Cancer Advocacy on the Road: Childhood Cancer License Plates

By CAC2 Member Mary Beth Collins, PREP4Gold For the entire month of September the world hears a great deal from the childhood cancer community, feverishly raising awareness, advocating for programs & funding, and sharing stories about treatment, survivorship, and bereavement. Social media posts are in abundance, medical experts and advocates are interviewed, and researchers publish papers with the latest data. Each day of the month, there is a great deal provided about childhood cancer as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) continues to strengthen in message and resolve. Come October 1st, some wonder what can be done to sustain some of [...] Read more

CureFest for Childhood Cancer

CureFest 2021 will take place in a hybrid format this September. There will be an in-person event in Washington, DC as well as an interactive virtual format that will allow families from across the world to hold One Voice Walks and other activities in their own communities. ​2020’s virtual-only format allowed us to reach many families that would otherwise be unable to attend CureFest in person. Based on this success, we made the decision to offer a virtual experience in 2021 even though we will have an in-person presence this year in our Nation’s Capital. CureFest for Childhood Cancer will […]

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