All posts tagged: Awareness

CAC2 Member Blog–An Estimate of the Long-Term Outcomes for Children with Cancer

By CAC2 Member Bob Piniewski, People Against Childhood Cancer Childhood cancer statistics, like all statistics (1), can be confusing.   Any statistic can be used to hide or distort the truth, and even the statistics we trust may only tell part of the story. This essay analyzes some familiar childhood cancer statistics and attempts to draw them together in a holistic way to estimate the projected lifelong outcomes for a child diagnosed with childhood cancer in the United States today.  By lifelong outcomes, we mean what may happen over that child’s entire life--not just today or in five years, but 10, [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–An Ounce of Prevention, A Lifetime of Health: Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative

Dr. Margaret Kripke, Professor of Immunology and Vivian L. Smith Chair Emerita at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Philip Landrigan, Professor of Biology at Boston College and Director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good joined CAC2 Members Jonathan Agin (Max Cure Foundation), Mary Beth Collins, and Anne Robertson to discuss a soon-to-be unveiled childhood cancer prevention initiative. This informative webinar allowed CAC2 members to learn the basics about preventing childhood cancer and the vulnerabilities to environmental toxins and current treatment regimens experienced by children. The panel discussion provided an overview about [...] Read more

Childhood Cancer and Prevention – The Time is Now

Survivorship Matters Blog By CAC2 Member Mary Beth Collins My introduction to the idea of prevention and childhood cancer didn’t come from a yearning for advocacy and systems change. It also didn’t come years after my son was diagnosed, with a desire to help other parents learn how to nurture healthier environments for their children. It was thrust upon me during my son’s neuroblastoma treatment, by prospective buyers of our house. Somehow, they not only found out that my son was in cancer treatment, but they also found out the type of cancer he had. The couple had researched environmental toxins [...] Read more

CAC2 Member Blog–New Report to be Released: Cross-Sector Strategies for Childhood Cancer Prevention

By CAC2 Member Jonathan Agin, Max Cure Foundation I frequently speak of viewing childhood cancer like a bicycle wheel with multiple spokes emanating from the hub in the center.  Each spoke represents a problem or area of focus:  drug development, psychosocial care, early detection, survivorship, research funding, access to treatment, financial toxicity.  Etc., etc.  The spokes of the childhood cancer wheel are interwoven.  Participating in groups like CAC2 allows us to see how interconnected everything in childhood cancer really is. With that said, one area has not truly been intertwined with the other spokes.  This is the issue of prevention, and specifically, prevention of childhood cancer.  Rising [...] Read more

CAC2 Webinar–The Canine-Kid Connection

In this All-Member Webinar for November 2016, we provided an overview of the compelling case for studying and treating cancer in canine cancer patients – a model of spontaneously occurring disease - the underlying science, and its potential not only to help us better understand and treat pediatric cancer, but also to accelerate the pediatric cancer drug development process. CAC2 Member Ulrike Szalay of Canines -N-Kids explains:  "As we know too well, cancer is the #1 cause of disease-related death in children in most developed countries. At least 1 in 5 will die from their disease, while the vast majority [...] Read more

CAC2 Member Blog–Three Words I Heard from my Pediatric Oncologist that Still Haunt Me

By CAC2 Member Kayla Funk, Open Hands, Overflowing Hearts   The world stopped spinning for a moment. Time beyond the oncology clinic stood still. Though I knew he was right, I refused to believe my doctor and the words coming out of his mouth. “When neuroblastoma progresses through therapy, we are unable to cure it.” I listened, but I ignored him. I was 19 years old and had spent the last 15 months of my life going through gruesome treatments. The cancer should not have grown. “We will try to suppress your disease for as long as possible, but I don’t […]

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CAC2 Member Blog–Reflections on the National Cancer Moonshot Summit

By CAC2 Member David Frazer, National Pediatric Cancer Foundation “The Moonshot Summit was an event that gathered the principals within the oncology industry under the inspirational leadership of Vice President Biden.   In my opinion, all politics aside, Mr. Biden portrayed the type of leadership necessary to conduct systematic change to defeat cancer.  Historically, he has always been a champion for public health.   The summit was based on collaboration and change, and Mr. Biden facilitated an effective initiative to drive those focus topics. On June 29, the Vice President gathered 300 cancer experts and advocates to Howard University. Of the 14 advocates and foundations […]

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CAC2 Webinar–Landmark Lightings and Proclamations

In this All-Member webinar for February 2015, CAC2 welcomed presenters Tony Stoddard (Sophia's Fund) and Neal Rourke (International Individual Member). Tony and Neal presented an interactive webinar to encourage dialogue between our members about Landmark Lightings and Proclamations.  They shared their past successes and techniques to help our members reach awareness goals in their communities. Read more

CAC2 Special Community Webinar–G-CSF, Cancer Stem Cells and Relapsed Neuroblastoma: A New Study Opens Up Questions and Opportunities

During our May All-Member and Community webinar,  Scott Kennedy & Donna Ludwinski of Solving Kids' Cancer moderated for our guest presenter, Dr. Jason Shohet addressed the findings of a new study, "G-CSF Promotes Neuroblastoma Tumorigenicity and Metastasis via STAT3-dependent Cancer Stem Cell Activation" published in the journal Cancer Research that identified a potential link between the use of the ​growth factor's effect on cancer stem-like cells and progression and recurrence of neuroblastoma.  As senior author of the study, Dr. Shohet discussed the relevance of these findings within the current context of neuroblastoma patient care as well as the future treatment implications. Topics covered include: What [...] Read more